Making 401(k) Plans Work for Your Business and Your Employees

Most small businesses want to provide attractive retirement benefits to employees, but there are challenges and barriers to setting up and administering 401(k) plans. They can be costly and complex, and many employers do not have the resources needed to help employees get the most out of the plan.

The good news is that 401(k) plans don’t have to be any of those things. A financial advisor with 401(k) experience can help businesses navigate plans and ease the burden of administration, while also providing much-needed guidance to employees.

As for cost, the recently passed SECURE 2.0 Act now provides businesses with thousands of dollars in new tax credits for setting up 401(k) plans, which does not even include the $1,000 tax credit per employee for employer matches.

Learn more about all of the new tax credits available for 401(k) plans, and other ways businesses can use 401(k)s to help employees and the business thrive.


A Retirement Plan Option for Highly-Compensated Executives


Third Quarter 2023 Review